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Smart technology concept with global logistics partnership Industrial Container Cargo frei

Connected Future Transport Systems


Air, Sea, Surface and Rail

July 18th .  2024 . 14:00 UK Time


A blend of showcase presentations and panel discussion attracting close to 1,000 attendees.  Through connectivity use-cases... this edition will focus on Air, Surface, Road and Rail systems.  Previous speakers include representatives of high profile organisations such as Silversea Cruises, Nissan Motor Corp., Volvo Corp., SNCF, British Rail, Stanford University and Emirates Airlines among others.  The connected car, pedestrian and surrounding infrastructure, the connected train and passenger, enabled through converged Space and Earth based wireless communications technologies providing ubiquitous connectivity, are the central themes for this programme.  

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Draft Programme (25-06-2024)

14:00    Session 1: Surface


  • 5G-V2X global state of play

- 5GAA


Maxime Flament - CTO

  • Everywhere, all-the-time Connectivity Enables the Digital Fleet

- Intelsat

Scott Congdon - Market Development & Partnership Management

  • TBC

- Ford Motor Company

Vijayakumar Kempuraj - Digital Twin Leader

  • TBC

- Accenture

Claus-Robert Ziegahn - Strategy Manager - Technology and Digital Transformation (SME NTN)
Deputy Race Director - FIA Formula 3 European Championship


15:10    Featured Presentation (In-Flight Connectivity)


Aditya Chatterjee - Senior Vice President Aviation Product Management

15:30    Session 2: Rail

- Moderator - CGI

Alan Whitelaw - Senior Business Consultant for Space Data Platforms and Applications

  • Panel session: Can Satellites Help with Reliable Communications for Staff and Passengers on-board Trains?



Gareth Hartwell  - Director Consulting Services, SDPA

- European Space Agency (ESA)


Enrico Spinelli - Lead - Rail Projects across Europe



David Wilson - Head of IT

- Lithuanian Trains


Mindaugas Bereiša - Head of Maintenance Innovations Department

- Scottish Futures (Scottish Futures involvement in projects to improve communication in rural communities in Scotland, including rail.  They are involved in working with ScotRail and LEO solutions.)


Robert Gardner - Associate Director

- OneWeb


Ben Allen - Communications Systems Engineering

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